No Chaos No Order

January 26, 2015

Random History: Organic Chemistry

Filed under: heart — fairyguts @ 11:21 pm

The first time I was in college I didn’t put a lot of effort in to my classes. I mean, I did all the assignments, participated in class discussions, and generally performed well enough. I never tested very well, though, often getting poorer scores than the people I helped, but I was ok with that. Ok enough to not read the text books or learn how to study for tests. Until my senior year when I started Organic Chemistry. I got through the first term with my normal habits and received a B, but, by the second week of the second term, I knew I was in trouble! I dropped out and started over, even auditing the first term again. And this time, I used every resource available and learned how to STUDY!  Crazy!  I worked so hard at it, I couldn’t part with any of my materials … Until now.  Here are too many photos for anyone else to be interested in, but it was pretty significant for me.

The text book. Which I read, highlighted and wrote in:


The study guide for the text book. Which I read and did the activities in.   WOW.


My notebook, which held all my notes and completed activities.


My lab notebook.

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The lab book.

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This was an optional text to support with the lab. It was fun and easy to read and SO HELPFUL!DSC00209DSC00211DSC00210DSC00212

January 19, 2015

Window Frame Photo Display

Filed under: heart, home — fairyguts @ 11:02 pm

We have a surround-sound system with large, black, speakers hanging in the middle of a big, white wall.  I think it looks cheap and tacky.  But I do love me some surround-sound!  I decided the best way to work with it would be to camouflage the speakers by creating a gallery of photos around them.  Here is one item I made to help with the disguise.  This window came off my aunt’s house and was free to me – woot!

2014-09-24 14.29.06

With some scraping and primer …

2014-11-06 15.12.33

and a finish coat of black

2014-11-12 08.11.27

I have a cheap and attractive frame to contribute to my gallery!

2014-12-31 14.08.53

January 12, 2015

Vintage Leathercraft Kit: “Let’s Do Modern Leathercraft In the Style of the Old West”

Filed under: heart — fairyguts @ 11:04 pm

Several years ago, a friend of mine found this at a garage sale. Since I was playing with leather at the time, she got it thinking of me.  Some of the parts for the wallet I made for my husband came from this kit. I am working on finishing projects and reducing my supplies, so eventually, this kit will be used up and then I’ll probably recycle the box somehow, but I wanted to document it for posterity.  It’s a pretty comprehensive kit! And the cover illustrations crack me up.

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